Sisterhood ties continue through annual Korean student visit
Why are students wearing a dark, navy blue uniform? Did the school change its uniform? No, these students are not from Sacred Hearts. They’re students from Duk Sung Middle School in Korea.
Duk Sung Middle School has visited the Academy for three years, establishing a sisterhood with Sacred Hearts Academy in 2015. Each January students visit Hawaii, including the Academy.
Members of the Korean Club, or K Club, had the opportunity to have pen pals among the visiting students. They emailed these pen pals before the visit, beginning relationships prior to their arrival.
This year, 15 students and four teachers arrived on Jan. 14 and took a tour of the school led by K Club President Kailanianna Ablog and club officer Tiani Quon.
The pen pals met at snack time when they exchanged gifts. During third period, Duk Sung students had class in robotics adviser Peter Park’s classroom.
Students also saw the Concert Choir and dance classes.
The pen pals gathered in the Clarence T.C. Ching Student Center for lunch where Korean food was served. When lunch came to a close, it was time for goodbyes.
The pen pals will continue their correspondance even after the Duk Sung students return to Korea.
“The Duk Sung visit is the highlight of the club’s year,” said Ablog. “Every member who has participated in it will always look back with a smile.”

Zoierae Hill is a second-year reporter for Ka Leo and a senior at the Academy. She enjoys going on adventures with her friends, listening to music and...