Sacred Hearts Academy  |   Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Leo

Sacred Hearts Academy  |   Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Leo

Sacred Hearts Academy  |   Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Leo

Journalism teacher and Ka Leo adviser Alyssa Myers recognized the student journalists during the Academy’s morning flag assembly. They received numerous awards at this year’s high school journalism contest, including Best In State for the second year in a row. Photo courtesy of Lavender Whorline.
Lancer journalists get Best In State for the second year
Anna Casupang and Mahina Monsarrat-Ohelo May 2, 2024

At this year’s Hawaii High School Journalism Awards (HHSJA), Sacred Hearts Academy’s online news...

(Right) Teacher Monika Kelly throws to a teammate from the class of 2026. Lancers walked to a nearby park and played games, as part of the LIFE Day activities. The games encouraged class bonding and team work in a non-academic setting.
LIFE Day comes back to life for good
Mahina Monsarrat-Ohelo, Sports Editor • March 13, 2024

For the second time since the pandemic hit, Sacred Hearts Academy students experienced a traditional...

The day begins in the campus gym, where pairs of LIFE Team members (photo left) Jetaime-Tihani Tajiri and Reagan Beissel and (photo right) Jayna Amasol and Keira Iwamoto lead the school in the gospel song, “Gloryland.” The liturgy brings together the Lower and Upper School students for Catholic Schools Week. The LIFE Team, or worship team, has a reputation of lighting up every mass or religious event with much enthusiasm for God. LIFE Day is at the forefront of these events, as the student members plan the day’s activities.
Living the Lancer LIFE Day experience
Gennellea Amasol, Lindsey Dimaya, and Paige Lum March 6, 2024

LIFE Day celebrates Catholic and Marianist traditions and is meant to build a community of faith through...

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Sacred Hearts Academy’s  Lower School basketball team remains undefeated, winning 10 games this division II Catholic Schools League (CSL) season.
Lower School’s basketball team remains undefeated
Keira Wheeler, Features Editor • April 3, 2024

For the second year in a row, Sacred Hearts Academy’s Lower School basketball team remains undefeated,...

This year, senior Jenica Wong became the first student from Sacred Hearts Academy to play football. She represents the all-girls Catholic school on PAC-5s football team. Her coaches say she is treated the same as the boys and that her dedication and hard work earned her playing time. 

The first actual game I played…we were versing Saint Louis School (SLS) and up by 10 points,” she said. “Toward the end of the game, the special team’s coach grabbed me by the collar and told me, ‘hit somebody,’ and I went with that in mind.” 

While she didn’t make any plays that day, PAC-5 won the game against SLS, with a score of 10-0.

“This was not only a win for PAC-5 but for the stigma that ‘girls dont belong’ or ‘girls cant play,’” the 17-year-old said about the October game.
Wong makes history as first Lancer football athlete
Chelstine Tavares, Staff Reporter • March 14, 2024

Senior Jenica Wong squares up at the 30-yard-line. With sweat beading down the back of her neck and...

PAC-5 varsity Division II soccer team smiling through the blood, sweat and tears of their hard work. They boast a trophy as state champions for the third year in a row. Photo courtesy of Dowda-Gates.
Wolfpack soccer completes a three-peat
Gennellea Amasol, Staff Reporter • March 7, 2024

“As soon as my teammate scored the final (penalty kick) to make us three-time Division II state champions,...

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In this article, I will be sharing my top 5 books and why you should read them. Photo courtesy of Pexels.
My top five books and why you should read them
Anna Casupang, Staff Reporter • January 26, 2024
My tortoise and rabbit getting to know each other. Who would win the race? Photo by Gennellea Amasol.
Aspiring Veterinarian: Rabbit care
Gennellea Amasol, Staff Reporter • January 25, 2024
Sadfishing is a growing social media trend, in which people post emotional content of themselves to gain sympathy from followers. A recent study by BMC Psychology states, “Emotional posts are often shared online during or shortly after an emotional experience with the intent of evoking supportive feedback from others.”

This editorial cartoon depicts sadfishing by showing a young girl fishing in a metaphorical lake. Her big catch is a smartphone, which shows a post she made on social media. The girl is upset and crying in her post. The fish circling the phone symbolize her social media followers, most of whom are friends who know her. They reach out through direct message to find out if she is okay. Then at the bottom of the lake lies the deeper meaning beneath her post. Experts might say that sadfishing, or fishing for attention, is a call for help. Loneliness, depression and low self-esteem are a few reasons as to why someone might sadfish, according to experts.
Nikki Kaahanui, Staff Artist • January 4, 2024
Ka Leo Konvos: Gaza with Gimber
KA LEO KONVOS: Gaza with Gimber
Kaiulani Ferrer March 6, 2024
Samantha Europa, Staff Reporter • January 24, 2023
Off-the-beaten-path of Japan
Keira Wheeler, Features Editor • April 30, 2024

During spring break, my family and I went to Japan for the first time. When we were figuring out where we should visit, we knew we wanted to...


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Sacred Hearts Academy | Honolulu, Hawaii