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Sacred Hearts Academy  |   Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Leo

Sacred Hearts Academy  |   Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Leo

Sacred Hearts Academy  |   Honolulu, Hawaii

Ka Leo

Sage Parker-Lee

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter

Sage (Keala) Parker-Lee is a senior in her third year as a Journalism reporter. Outside school, Keala plays club soccer and enjoys traveling around the nation multiple times a year to participate in soccer tournaments. She loves to hike and go to the beach with friends and family.

All content by Sage Parker-Lee
Students place in judo state championships

Students place in judo state championships

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 16, 2014

Junior Kaela Fiesta and sophomore Karly-Lou Ayano’s recent participation in the state championships in judo proved worthwhile. Fiesta took fourth in...

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Sophomore takes second in track state championships

Sophomore takes second in track state championships

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 14, 2014

Sophomore Phoebe Kirk placed  first in the 800-meter run at the ILH track and field championships and second to Carmen Garson-Shumway from Hilo High School...

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Sacred Hearts celebrates annual May Day program

Sacred Hearts celebrates annual May Day program

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 12, 2014

The Academy held its annual May Day celebrations on May 1 with the theme of “He Aloha No Na Pua,” which translates to “beloved are the flowers.” Hula...

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Rite of Passage initiates eighth grade into high school

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 12, 2014

The annual eighth gradeRite of Passage, a ceremony congratulating students on their completion of junior high, took place on May 2. Adviser Joyce Hall...

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Senior Greer Birdie Smith was recognized as Lancer of the Month for her contributions to canoe paddling.

Senior paddler named Lancer of Month

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 2, 2014

Senior paddler Greer Smith was recognized as Lancer of the Month for March. Smith was named first team ILH and the paddling crew’s most valuable player...

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Dance department presents ‘La Bayadere’

Dance department presents ‘La Bayadere’

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 16, 2014

The Dance Department presented excerpts from the classical ballet, “La Bayadere,” translated as “the temple dancer” on Apr. 12 with 62 students...

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Athletes of various winter sports were recently recognized as all-stars.

Winter athletes honored as ILH all-stars

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 15, 2014

The winter sport season saw multiple success stories for Lancer athletics. Twelve student athletes and a coach were named ILH all-stars from a wide range...

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American Government students address social issues

American Government students address social issues

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 4, 2014

The senior American Government Honors class has been working on year-long projects focusing on social issues and a way to positively influence the situations. Teacher...

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The Academy's annual drive, sponsored by Club Med, brought in 46 pints of blood for the Hawaii Blood Bank.

Academy holds annual blood drive

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 20, 2014

The annual blood drive, sponsored by Club Med, took place on Mar. 7. Academy students, faculty and staff  have given blood to the Blood Bank of Hawaii...

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The Senior Class will help residents of Leahi Hospital at the annual "Spring Fling" Carnival.

Seniors assist elderly at Leahi Hospital

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 7, 2014

The Senior Class service this year involves working with the poor and elderly. On Mar. 19 the entire class will be assisting elderly at Leahi Hospital...

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Four seniors qualified in the ILH Precision Riflery Championships, with Sara Tashima placing first.

Seniors compete in ILH Precision Riflery championships

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 4, 2014

When seniors Caroline Kikkawa, Danielle Ho, Justine Wong and Sara Tashima  competed in the Precision Riflery Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH)...

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Col. Holly Olson, Director of Medical Education at Tripler Army Medical Center,  shows symposium participants how surgeons close incisions in “Scalpel Stat!”

Science Symposium introduces girls to STEM activities

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 27, 2014

The 20th Annual Sacred Hearts Academy Science Symposium took place on Feb. 22 for girls in grades five through eight. Featured keynote speaker, Dr. Laura...

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Juniors display their class rings which are symbols of recognition as upperclassmen.

Juniors inducted into upperclass at ring ceremony

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 24, 2014

Juniors officially became upperclassmen through the annual Junior Ring ceremony held in the Academy chapel in the evening of Feb. 13. Junior Michelle...

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Fourth graders displayed Hawaiian studies projects to other lower school classes and high school visitors.

4th graders hold annual Hawaiian Project Museum

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 20, 2014

Fourth graders held their annual Hawaiian Project Museum under the guidance of Hawaiian Studies teacher, Michelle Tuzon. Tuzon said, “Students selected...

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Twenty Academy students have won awards in the Clarence T. C. Ching Foundation's  "Inspired in Hawaii" contest, with their solutions to local problems.

Academy students win in Ching Foundation contest

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 12, 2014

The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation-sponsored contest is an annual event that includes three categories: poster, video and essay. All entries must include...

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Senior Celina Pagan has been honored as the Lancer of the Month for January.

Basketball senior chosen Lancer of Month for January

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 12, 2014

Senior Celina Pagan was recognized as Lancer of the Month for January. Pagan was named most valuable player (MVP) at the St. Francis and McKinley pre-season...

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Senior Sara Tashima is December's Lancer of the Month for her participation in air riflery.

Air riflery senior awarded Lancer of Month

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
January 29, 2014

Senior Sara Tashima has been recognized as Lancer of the Month for December. Tashima is the current ILH state champion for sporter air riflery and ranks...

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Although Colorado state has legalized marijuana and other states are expected to follow, marijuana is still dangerous to users' health.

Marijuana negatively affects physical and mental state of users

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
January 22, 2014

Marijuana is a dry, shredded mix of green and brown leaves, flowers, stems and seeds from the plant Cannabis sativa. The plant itself contains a psychoactive...

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At the end of the LIFE walk, students and teachers, including Sr. Katherine Francis Miller, enjoy a few games.

LIFE team and student council prepare for annual walk and mass

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
January 10, 2014

The annual Living in Faith Experience (LIFE) walk and mass will take place on Jan. 30. The LIFE team works with Campus Ministry to coordinate all student...

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Senior Courtney Malina was selected Lancer of the Month for November, an award recognizing student athletes.

Senior cheerleader awarded Lancer of Month

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 17, 2013

Senior Courtney Malina was recognized as Lancer of the Month for November. Malina is the co-captain of the cheerleading squad and was earlier selected...

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Academy athletes were named to a surprising number of all-star teams for fall sports, including cheerleading, volleyball, bowling, cross country and sporter air riflery.

Athletes perform outstandingly in fall season

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 13, 2013

Lancer athletes and coaches had a great season in fall sports, winning honors in several categories. Juniors Caitlin Cunningham and Hailey Ganiron were...

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Art students created a mural for the new elephant pavilion at the Honolulu Zoo, which was unveiled in December.

Students create zoo mural for new elephant pavilion

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 12, 2013

Nine Academy students and alumnae finally had the chance to see their artwork at the unveiling of the new mural at the elephant pavilion of the Honolulu...

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Junior Kindergartners helped their community by making doggie biscuits for the Hawaiian Humane Society to be distributed before Christmas.

Serving others during holiday season

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 9, 2013

Opportunities for volunteering exist throughout the year, especially during the holiday season. People traditionally help in soup kitchens and shelters,...

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The varsity basketball team wins the pre-season tournament.

Varsity basketball team wins pre-season tournament

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 26, 2013

On Nov. 20-24 the varsity basketball team won the pre-season Saint Francis Tournament, playing against Hawaii Prep Academy, Leilehua High School and Saint...

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Senior named National Merit scholarship semi-finalist

Senior named National Merit scholarship semi-finalist

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 26, 2013

Senior Nadia Busekrus has been named a 2013 National Merit scholarship semi-finalist from among 16,000 students based on their PSAT scores. As a semifinalist,...

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Grandparents' days for high school and lower school honor grandparents who often play important roles in their granddaughters' lives.

Sacred Hearts Academy holds annual Grandparents’ Days

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 21, 2013

Grandparents’ Days this year will be on Nov. 22 for the high school and Nov. 25 for the lower school. The Academy annually recognizes grandparents...

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Senior Kasandra Kitagawa was recognized as the Lancer of the Month for September for her outstanding leadership and service.

Senior bowler named Lancer of Month

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 14, 2013

Senior Kasandra Kitagawa was recognized as the Lancer of the Month for September, an award for academic and athletic excellence. Kitagawa finished fourth...

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The basketball team fundraises for equipment.

Intermediate basketball team fundraises for equipment

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 7, 2013

The intermediate basketball team is hosting the first annual SHA basketball tournament in the gym on Nov. 7, 8 and 9. On Thursday the Lancers play La Pietra,...

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Senior Sara Tashima competed in the state tournament for the third consecutive year; Tashima came in third.

Two go to air riflery championships

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 5, 2013

Senior Sara Tashima and sophomore Jessica Wehrman competed in the Air Riflery State Championships on Oct. 29. Tashima finished third, after Maryknoll’s...

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The entire varsity bowling team made it to the state competition, a first in Academy history, for bowlers.

Varsity bowlers have outstanding season

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 5, 2013

The entire varsity bowling team qualified for the Hawaii High School Athletic Association (HHSAA) State Championships, a first in school history. The...

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Senior Katie Lee participates in the Math Madness competition, which encourages AP Calculus to practice skills learned in class.

First Math Madness team competes in national contest

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 5, 2013

Seven seniors in AP Calculus vie on the first Sacred Hearts Math Madness team competitions on Fridays during lunch. Coach Deborah Kula said, “Math...

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Seniors Anjelica Barker, Rebekah Kai, Tiare Libarios-Moses, Lydia McShane and Kauionalani Kekuawela had their last game on Senior Night, Oct. 22.

Varsity volleyball team ends season with senior night

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
October 29, 2013

Tuesday night five senior varsity volleyball players had their Senior Night and final game as Lancers, playing at home against Kamehameha Kapalama. Senior...

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Seventh grader Arianna Radona is running in cross country for the first time and succeeding beyond her own dreams.

Seventh grader places in cross country meets

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
October 11, 2013

Seventh grader Arianna Radona decided to take up the sport of cross country this year and is excelling beyond expectations. In her first race at Kapolei...

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Under the direction of new adviser Kira Krend, the National Honor Society plans to be more involved and visible in its school community.

Growing visibility of National Honor Society

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 27, 2013

The National Honor Society (NHS) has plans to become more active in school and the community. Under the direction of Dr. Kira Krend, the club has made...

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Teens increasingly text friends and family members instead of calling. They need to remember, however, that texting etiquette is important so that the message is not misinterpreted.

Texting etiquette necessary for effective communication

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 24, 2013

Text messaging is the simplest and most common means of communication today. Although it is a casual way to communicate, there is still etiquette that...

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Junior Jennifer Pang and senior Sara Tashima work on measurements to construct a bridge in Introduction to Engineering class.

Introduction to Engineering class builds conceptual building

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 18, 2013

This semester the Introduction to Engineering class is constructing a virtual building in the back of the Performing Arts Center. Groups of students will...

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Senior Sage Parker-Lee meets with college counselor, Randall Fong, about her college plans.

What to expect at Senior College Night

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 9, 2013

As the new school year begins, seniors start to seriously focus on college applications. On Sept. 10, Randall Fong, the college counselor, will hold Senior...

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Seniors Seann Kailio and Rebekah Kai attended the Hillsong Conference at the Sydney Olympic Park All Phones Arena.

Seniors attend Hillsong Church Conference in Australia

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
August 28, 2013

Seniors Rebekah Kai and Seann Kailio attended the Hillsong Conference in Sydney, Australia, from July 1-5 at the Sydney Olympic Park. Kai said, “I...

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Senior Dominique Dold organizes her history notes to begin the new year well.

Tips for successful school year

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
August 23, 2013

With the start of a new school year, many students have high hopes for success. However, achieving excellence is not just wishing for it. Counselor...

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Precision air riflery team won state national qualifiers

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 16, 2013

The Academy varsity precision air riflery team participated in the National Qualifiers on Apr. 27. Riflery teams throughout the state compete against one...

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First annual lower school art show

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 9, 2013

Lower school art classes held their first art show in the Clarence T.C. Ching Student Center on May 5 from 3 to 4 p.m. Students in grades 1-5 each had...

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JROTC participates in annual Waianae Adventure Challenge

JROTC participates in annual Waianae Adventure Challenge

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 29, 2013

The St. Louis School and Sacred Hearts Academy JROTC cadets participated in the Waianae Adventure Challenge (WAC) from Apr. 19-21 at the Waianae Recreational...

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Junior Week celebrates theme of ‘Big Cities’

Junior Week celebrates theme of ‘Big Cities’

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 8, 2013

The Class of 2014 is celebrating Junior Week Apr. 8-12 with the theme of “Big City Juniors.” Each day will feature a special activity, dress up and...

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Role models provide encouragement and inspiration

Role models provide encouragement and inspiration

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 28, 2013

Role models are people whom others look up to and who provide motivation through inspiration. They set good examples for handling pressure in tough situations....

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Valuable lessons learned through sportsmanship

Valuable lessons learned through sportsmanship

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 7, 2013

Through sports, students learn valuable lessons that can be used in their future occupations and personal lives. Sports provide an opportunity for children...

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Wrap-up for wrestling, soccer and air riflery

Wrap-up for wrestling, soccer and air riflery

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 4, 2013

Senior Decembers Smith took second place in ILH while junior Siman Zhang won third in the state wrestling tournament at the Neal Blaisdell Center on Feb....

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Team takes second place in Physics Olympics

Team takes second place in Physics Olympics

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 22, 2013

Five Academy students participated in the annual Physics Olympics held at Kapiolani Community College on Feb. 16. Twenty-eight teams from eight different...

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Senior signs letter of intent to play soccer at Western Oregon University

Senior signs letter of intent to play soccer at Western Oregon University

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 14, 2013

Senior Kealakekua Makekau joined 52 other soccer and football student athletes at the PIAA National Letter of Intent Day, held at the Sheraton Waikiki...

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Closing of winter sports season brings opportunities for spring sports programs

Closing of winter sports season brings opportunities for spring sports programs

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 7, 2013

The winter sports season came to an end last week. Varsity basketball’s last season game was against Punahou. Varsity soccer had its Senior Night...

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Second graders learn life cycles through visit to Hawaii Nature Center

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
January 30, 2013

The second grade classes visited the Hawaii Nature Center in Makiki Valley as part of their exploration in science on Jan. 18. Teacher Melissa Carlos...

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Tips on having a successful third quarter

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
January 25, 2013

The new year always comes with new goals. As the third quarter starts, students reflect on the previous semester and look at what worked for them and what...

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'Into the Wild' illustrates the journey of real life adventure

‘Into the Wild’ illustrates the journey of real life adventure

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
January 18, 2013

“Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer is based on the life of Christopher Johnson McCandless, a young man looking to invent a new life for himself. Following...

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Christmas is focused on receiving rather than giving

Christmas is focused on receiving rather than giving

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 14, 2012

Soon Americans will be celebrating Christmas. However, in today’s world Christmas is often focused on gifts, food and Santa. Many Americans have forgotten...

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College tour opens students to mainland discoveries

College tour opens students to mainland discoveries

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 10, 2012

Counselors Randy Fong and Donna Ramos led a group of 31 students on a college tour of California during the Thanksgiving break. Students visited the University...

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Healthy foods abound within the Sacred Hearts neighborhood

Healthy foods abound within the Sacred Hearts neighborhood

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 1, 2012

Sacred Hearts Academy is surrounded by a multitude of healthy restaurants and stores, which helps reinforce the theme of healthy living of the 5210 program. From...

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Service opportunities available to students

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
October 8, 2012

Students at Sacred Hearts Academy complete a minimum of 25 hours of community service each year and often need to find organizations which need their help. Volunteer...

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Cheating in professional sports affects school athletes

Cheating in professional sports affects school athletes

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 20, 2012

Teens often look to others for guidance, help or support. Role models can be family members, celebrities or sports stars. Many young athletes look to sports’...

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Setting goals for the new school year will set one up for success

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 4, 2012

To set goals is a common occurrence at the start of a new school year. Many students set goals to push themselves to achieve the highest rewards possible....

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Spring sports comes to a close

Spring sports comes to a close

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 10, 2012

Spring sports just wrapped up including golf, track and field, softball, water polo, judo and tennis. This year’s Pac-5 judo team which has four Sacred...

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Senior signs letter of intent to play collegiate soccer

Senior signs letter of intent to play collegiate soccer

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
May 10, 2012

Senior Kaylyn Siobal attended the Pacific Islands Athletic Alliance (PIAA) signing event at the Elks Club for athletes who committed to play collegiate...

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Instagram rises to the top of the mobile world

Instagram rises to the top of the mobile world

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 26, 2012

Social networking is a hype for teenagers. Although Facebook is the most commonly used social networking site in the world, a new free photo app was created...

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Depression rises in teen population

Depression rises in teen population

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 26, 2012

A phrase commonly tossed around by teens is “I am depressed,” yet many don’t even know what depression really is. Currently, depression is the...

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Peak pushes teens to reach their highest point

Peak pushes teens to reach their highest point

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 18, 2012

Fourteen-year-old Peak Marcello is a rebellious teenager who doesn’t care about anything because his father left when he was little. Lately, however...

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Student athletes learn skills through sports

Student athletes learn skills through sports

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 17, 2012

For student athletes the number one focus is school, but another is their specific sport. Their daily lives can be busy without very much time for anything...

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The Sacred Hearts Academy Real World Design Challenge Team, with its mentors and student, are challenged to design an environmentally friendly aircraft.

Real World Design team on its way to D.C. for second win in competition

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
April 2, 2012

The many hours the Real World Design (RWD) team has put into building its low-carbon-emission and environmentally friendly personal light sport aircraft...

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Speakers inspire AP Government students

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 7, 2012

The Get Motivated Seminar on Jan. 31 at the Hawaii Convention Center saw thousands of attendees, including the Sacred Hearts’ AP Government class. Speakers,...

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LIFE team completes successful walk

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
March 7, 2012

The annual Living In Faith Experience (LIFE) mass and walk took place on Feb. 2 for students in grades 7-12. During the school year the LIFE team works...

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‘We Bought a Zoo’ captures the connections between family

‘We Bought a Zoo’ captures the connections between family

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 8, 2012

“We Bought a Zoo” tells the story of Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) whose wife died a year earlier leaving behind son, Dylan, and daughter, Rosie. Mee...

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It’s all about music for the Sophomores

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
February 8, 2012

Sophomores celebrated their class week Jan. 9-13 with the theme, “YouTube,” with an emphasis on You. Activities included music and dance every day. On...

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Food Trucks Are On The Go

Food Trucks Are On The Go

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
December 1, 2011

In Hawaii lunch wagons have been around for years, but recently they have become a huge hit on the mainland as well, where they are known as food trucks. Sophomore...

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Schools Teams Traveled to States

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 25, 2011

n October the varsity bowling, cross country, riflery and volleyball teams all competed in state tournaments. Freshman Caitlin Cunningham and seniors...

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College trip gives students insight

College trip gives students insight

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
November 2, 2011

Counselers Randy Fong and Lisa Vega led a group of 18 students on a tour of the University of Southern California, the University of California at Los...

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Keeping in touch through Facebook

Keeping in touch through Facebook

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
October 31, 2011

Facebook is an online social networking site that connects teens to friends and family on the Internet. With so many people on Facebook, businesses, clubs...

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Television shows accommodate online viewers

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
October 4, 2011

Over the years, televisions have changed from bulky boxes with antennas to wall-sized flat screens. Technology has grown to the point where electronic...

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Students await student center as construction continues

Students await student center as construction continues

Sage Parker-Lee, Reporter
September 30, 2011

For over 50 years the school's cafeteria has served the student body and faculty with appetizing and delicious meals. At the end of last school year, the...

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Sage Parker-Lee