With so much pressure in students’ lives, it is sometimes difficult to stay organized and have good time management. Keeping up with assignments and effectively studying for tests can be challenging. This can be alleviated, however, by taking good notes during lectures and discussions in class. Taking effective notes is an important academic activity that helps students to concentrate, stimulates their ability to recall information and helps them stay organized.
Freshman Ashley Lardizabal said, “I have seen improvement in my academics ever since I learned how to take effective notes. With good note-taking, I learned how to be efficient, develop active listening and stay organized.”
According to researchers, if important information is contained in notes, students had a 34 percent chance of remembering it. Information not found in notes had only a five percent chance of being remembered.
“Taking notes is a form of thinking. Students who take notes never find themselves in a panic at the end of a term, blanking during exam reviews and fretting about needing to reread everything. Those who have taken notes at each class have the best study guide of all. Taking notes during class will also keep students engaged and attentive,” said English chair Jill Sprott.
As exams are fast approaching, students need to begin organizing their information, including notes and materials from previous lessons.
Junior Dominique Bontog said, “I am starting to organize notes I took in my classes since I know cramming for the exams is a burden. Organizing notes is the first step to excel in the exams.”
Taking notes can also clarify ideas not fully understood. Note-taking assists students in clarifying the information. In doing so, notes help students realize their understanding or lack thereof from classes.
Freshman Adrianne Del Rosario said, “Whenever I don’t understand a certain lesson or material, I always try to review notes I have taken to better understand the lesson and review what I may have missed in class.”
Note-taking is an important skill to develop. Being meticulous in taking notes is an important factor in academic achievement and allows students to concentrate on the important ideas and main points of a lecture and lessons. Note-taking is vital in maintaining good study habits and skill building in students’ lives.