Sacred Hearts Academy celebrated its 1st Annual Aloha Festival on Sept. 19 and 20. Activities included hula demonstrations and learning how to play konane (strategy board game) and ulu maika (rounded stones rolled between two upright sticks). Hawaiian language classes demonstrated the piapa (alphabet). Poi, kalua pig and haupia samples were passed out to participants.
The State of Hawaii Aloha Festival originally began as “Aloha Week” and has expanded through the month of September. The events celebrate the culture, music, traditions and food of Hawaii. Hawaiian History teacher, Whitney Miyahira, and Hawaiian language teacher, Jordan Asing, wanted to bring that aloha spirit to campus.
Students from seven classes joined together to create the festivities including Hawaiian Language I, II, III and IV, Hawaiian Chant and Dance I, II, III, IV and the Hawaiian History class.
Miyahira said, “There’s so few opportunities to experience Hawaiian culture which is so sad because we live in Hawaii. Unless you go to Waikiki or the Polynesian Cultural Center (P.C.C.) or some more touristy locale, it’s rare to see and experience these things.”
Senior Hulali Alford said, “ This experience of Aloha Week was something that I am glad to help create. I am in Hawaiian language classes and for many weeks we worked on our chants and activities. I couldn’t wait until the classes were able to create this amazing festival of culture.”