This semester the Introduction to Engineering class is constructing a virtual building in the back of the Performing Arts Center. Groups of students will build separate parts of the overall 3D scale model which will include functioning elevators, electricity, plumbing and drainage.
Teacher Peter Park is teaching students how to use civil, mechanical and electrical engineering skills to construct the building.
Senior Dominique Dold said, “My group is building a conceptual air riflery range which will be a part of the overall building. Right now we are drawing our blueprints of the electrical targets and lights that will be in the range.”
Architect Jeffrey Mori from Arthur Mori & Associates visited the class to discuss the engineering and architecture fields. He spoke of the research needed for permits, zoning and code restrictions.
Senior Sara Tashima said, “Mr. Mori gave us a lot of insight into how the process of constructing a building is. It takes a lot of time and research to plan blueprints and get permits to start the construction process.”