Healthy eating is a way to stay energetic,well nourished and satisfied. It’s not about counting calories and staying thin. It’s about taking care of one’s health and body.
The school cafeteria has a variety of healthy food choices. Erin Awai, the general manager of the center, says that all food items prepared in the kitchen are baked, boiled or steamed. The hot lunch contains the correct proportions for a healthy selection.
Staying healthy also means keeping up with meals on a regular basis. By doing so, one maintains energy and nourishes the body continuously.
“Breakfast is the most important meal. It helps jump start the metabolism throughout the day. It also helps burn calories,” said Awai.
Healthy eating includes whole grains such as whole wheat, multi-grain breads, brown rice and barley. Whole grains are good for fiber, vitamins and minerals. They help to maintain a healthier weight and are satisfying to the consumer.
Another way to help support a healthy diet is to drink lots of water and other sugarless liquids. This will keep bodies hydrated and cleanse the body. Water helps fight against fatigue as well.
Exercise, enough sleep and good nutrition are also ways to stay healthy. Moderation in food choices will promote a healthier life style.
Early healthy choices lay a foundation for a better life in later years.
“Healthy eating habits will help students focus better in school,” Awai said. “They will enable them to have healthy eating ways through life.”