“Looking for Alaska” starts with Miles “Pudge” Halter as the narrator following in his father’s footsteps with a transfer to Culver Creek boarding school.
Pudge and his friends Alaska, The Colonel, Takumi and Lara, go through high school pulling every prank in the book and rebeling against Culver Creek’s administration. They live to annoy the dean, nicknamed “The Eagle.”
As the school year progresses, Pudge falls in love with Alaska Young, a wild, self-destructive, unpredictable and enigmatic girl who captures his attention and heart.
Chip “The Colonel” Martin is Alaska’s best friend and Pudge’s roommate. He gets his nickname from being the strategic mastermind behind Alaska’s schemes.
Takumi who has an interest in rapping and Lara who is still trying to distinguish English from Russian also take part in Alaska’s mischievous schemes.
The novel counts down to the day of an accident to heighten readers’ tension and excitement. During a night of drinking and mischief, one of the characters faces an untimely death that shocks the entire school.
After the accident, the other characters fall into a depression and close the year trying to get out of it.
“Looking for Alaska” will take readers on a roller coaster ride of emotion as readers learn to live and love with Miles, The Colonel, Takumi, Lara and Alaska. Readers who enjoy this novel should also check out other John Green novels.
It is a novel filled with excitement and new insights to friendship.
“Looking for Alaska” is recommended for older teens who are looking for a quick read with unexpected and exciting plot twists.