“Scary Movie” is a series of American comedy films created by Keenan Ivory, Shawn and Marlon Wayans. The Wayans brother released the first of the five films, which parody horror films, in 2000.
The original “Scary Movie” was a spoof of horror movies “Scream” and the “I Know What You Did Last Summer” series. “Scary Movie 2” is a parody of “The Exorcist” and “The Haunting.” “Scary Movie 3” spoofs “The Ring” and “Signs.” “Scary Movie 4” is a parody of “War of the Worlds” and concludes the story-arc that began with the first film.
“Scary Movie 5” begins a new storyline about a couple who move into a new home after adopting three mysterious children. The movie is a parody of “Mama” but does not feature the original actors, Anna Faris and Regina Hall.
“Scary Movie 5” is recommended for mature audiences because of mature language and graphics. The dark humor and wit will appeal to older audiences.