This year’s May Day celebration, “Hookele,” which revolves around navigation in honor of the Hokulea, was held on May 2 in Sacred Hearts’ Dorothy Macy Nobriga Gym at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 and currently available via the Special Events Office.
Hokulea and its sister canoe, Hikianalia, will be launched in June 2013. The voyage will last approximately 36 months, travel more than 45,000 nautical miles and visit 26 countries with 62 stops. During this journey, crews will speak to classes, educators, community and indigenous groups.
Hawaiian Chant and Dance class, led by teacher Tiana Kuni, and the May Day court will perform accompanied by musicians Kama Hopkins, Nick Masagatani and Pookela Wood.
The May Day court consists of senior Queen Kylie Tokunaga and princesses Jayna Jeremiah-Clarke (12), Pomaikai Zarko (12), Samantha Cacayurin (11), Erica Cadiz (11), Auliionapualokekuonaona Faurot (10), Laura-Lynne Igarla-Peters (9), Kiana Davis (8) and Kaleikaumaka Cruz (7).
Sophomores will man a snack booth whose proceeds will go to their Project Grad.