The annual Living in Faith Experience (LIFE) Walk took place on Jan. 31 for grades 7 through 12. Students and teachers walked to Palolo District Park and participated in games prepared by the LIFE team before returning to school for lunch.
The LIFE team works with Campus Ministry to coordinate all student-related religious events during the school year, including division retreats, masses and Lancer Christian Community (LCC) gatherings. The LIFE Walk, preceded by the LIFE mass, is a major event for the team.
LIFE team member Fria Falle said, “There was a lot of anticipation leading up to the mass and walk because we wanted to see all our hard work pay off.”
The many days of preparation seem to have met the team’s goal.
Sophomore China Carlos said, “The games were a fun aspect of the entire experience. Everyone got to interact with classmates and students, and we were able to enjoy ourselves.”
The LIFE team promotes and provides faith leadership in the student community. The annual walk raises funds for upcoming LIFE members so that they can participate in a California retreat during the summer. Twelve incoming seniors will be chosen to attend that camp.

Chanel Yee • Mar 5, 2013 at 11:10 am
This report explained all of my emotions that I felt at park. It was a fun experience and this paper reminds me of the fun times my friends and I had. All of my friends said that they look forward to participating in it next year and they hope to have the same fun activities. With all the games that were played there, tug or war was most fun for me because it bonded not only my grade, but the older as well. Just being able to spend some fun quality time with my friends made the day very enjoyable.
Melanie • Mar 5, 2013 at 11:08 am
The Life Walk was really fun. I had tons of fun with my friends and grade level! 🙂