“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” is based on the four-book “Twilight”
saga, a fictional romance. The saga stars Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, Kristin Stewart as Isabella
Swan (Bella), Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black and the newest addition to the Cullen family, Renesmee Cullen played by Mackenzie Foy.
After the suspenseful birth of Edward and Bella’s daughter Renesmee, they find themselves in an ongoing battle with the ruthless leaders of the vampires, the Volturi.
“Breaking Dawn” is romantic, action-filled and suspenseful. A major change within the “Twilight” series is the amount of action in “Breaking Dawn Part 2.” There are many more battle scenes and action which many of the male viewers will enjoy while maintaining the romance for female viewers.
“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” is recommended for mature audiences because of graphic scenes of violence. This movie is perfect for those seeking a romantic thriller and an action-filled series.