“The Time Keeper” by Mitch Albom is a young adult novel about a man named Dor who becomes Father Time since he is the first person to measure time.
The novel begins with Dor as a little boy. As he grows up, he spends his day counting everything, including birds in the sky and flowers in the field. Soon, he marks the phases of the moon and sun. He then creates the first water clock and a lunar calendar. Later in life, he marries his childhood friend, Alli.
When Alli contracts a disease, Dor is desperate to save her and to stop time for her, but he is then punished for creating time and banished to a cave to listen to everyone’s pleas about time.
After centuries pass, Dor is freed to repent for his sin, but he has to find two people who have problems with time to change their fates.
The novel is written in short chapters filled with descriptive language and details. Although it is fiction, Albom writes with realistic language.
Occasionally, some chapters are uninteresting and slow down the reader.
The novel is recommended to young adults and teenagers who enjoy stories with a good lesson. It is also recommended to people who want to know why time is truly precious in life.