Writing is often referred to as a means of therapy and is shown to improve one’s emotional, mental and physical state. Studies have shown that writing as means of expression and communication can reap many personal benefits that create a more healthy, positive lifestyle.
Expressive writing stimulates psychological growth while maintaining mental stability. Studies have shown that individuals who have experienced trauma or have psychological problems often bottle up their fears and constantly think about these events, causing continuous stress on the mind and body. This obsessive attitude with traumatic events is the root of chronic mental disorders, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Writing about emotions, feelings and personal thoughts is something everyone can do and allows individuals to reflect and creatively express themselves. Behavior and attitude in public will increasingly improve and mood usually becomes more optimistic and positive. Writing is not only a creative outlet but also allows individuals to release stress and anxiety in a different means other than verbally communicating it to others.
According to apt.rcpsych.org, typical writing encourages people to write about their deepest thoughts and emotions for approximately 20 minutes without worrying about spelling, grammar or sentence structure. The only rule is that individuals must write for the entire time without any interruptions. This encourages people to focus more on their thoughts and get more down on paper.
There are also many health benefits associated with expressive writing. Those who turn to writing as a creative or emotional outlet are often less stressed and happier. Other benefits include a stronger immune system, reduced blood pressure, improved lung and liver function as well as a reduction of depression, asthma and arthritis symptoms.
Writing is a skill that most individuals can develop, and people are encouraged to keep a journal so that they can write about personal experiences or events that impact them as they go about their daily lives. This is a positive habit because it is an opportunity for individual development and observation of actions, attitudes and aspirations.
Keeping a journal can be a personal comfort because it is private and allows the writer to reflect upon her thoughts. Journal writing does not necessarily have to be done in a diary or notebook because the focus is to disentangle thoughts and to meditate upon one’s emotions. Journaling has proven to build self-esteem and allow individuals to solve problems quickly and more effectively.
Writing is not only a means of expression but is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Although it may not be for everyone, it is comforting to reread and ruminate on past experiences, struggles and events that occurred in one’s life and to see the growth and changes for the better.