Texting in class, playing Tetris during a staff meeting or talking on the phone in public waiting rooms are inappropriate behaviors which cause annoyance and create hostility.
Theology teacher Cristina Smith said, “ During class, I think it’s best to leave cell phones in backpacks or purses, out of our line of sight, out of earshot for even the vibrate mode. If a student were texting in class, it’s extremely rude, just as if a student were on Facebook or tumblr or Instagram. It’s sending a message to the teacher that the task at hand is not important, that this piece of technology, this privilege, is more important.
“Inappropriate behavior is never a good thing in class, but it happens. Unfortunately, it negatively affects the entire class and makes everyone uncomfortable. It also sends the message that you are more important than everyone else. It’s often a power struggle and good teachers know that,“ Smith said.
Junior Noel Kenny agreed. “ I personally find it distracting when others around me are texting and not paying attention because of their cell phones. Students play games on their phones and text during lectures. It is distracting because they are not discrete about it. When a text is received or a high score is achieved, they laugh or smile.”
Disruptive actions are not only seen in classrooms but also occur during business meetings, mass and at other formal meetings. Whether it is a teenager or an adult texting or off task during a meeting, it is rude and disrespectful.
Freshman Nicole Roland said, “ Honestly, I text in the movies. I know many think that it is rude because of the light and it is very distracting. I sit in the last row in hopes that I do not bother anyone. I try to be as considerate as I can but it is hard to fight the urge and ignore the text or phone call in a movie or enclosed space.”
Such a breach of manners in a public place is not always welcome by others.
Junior Meryl Mindo said, “ People who text in movies are highly inconsiderate. I understand those who do text or answer calls in the movies have strong feelings about their communications but when you are in an environment with others, you must restrain from rude actions such as texting in a movie which others pay for and take part in.”