Driver’s education is a vital component of learning to drive well. Many states require driver’s education for minors because beginning drivers lack skills, and their reflexes must be trained.
Because of high accident rates among teen drivers, many states require them to take a driver’s education course before a driving permit is issued. Driver’s education provides knowledge from a trained instructor to ensure the safety of all drivers.
Teens who take driving courses are more confident about their abilities because of their knowledge and understanding of safety guidelines. The confidence provided by taking such courses make drivers more competent on the road and therefore, improve driving abilities.
Junior Kristen Barroga said, “ Before taking driver’s education, I thought the course would be easy because I thought I knew all the rules and regulations of the road. The course was not long, but it was very helpful. I learned many new things and I saw an improvement in my driving after because of my newfound knowledge.”
Car insurance companies often offer discounts to teens who take driver’s ed courses because of the improved skills of drivers which result in fewer accidents.
Another purpose of driver’s education is for teens to better understand the responsibilities that go with driving.
“Driver education is not only teaching us the rules of the road but also the great responsibility that comes along with it. Participants in the driver education course know the cost that comes with driving. We are aware of its real effects on ourselves and others,” said junior Kiara Moad.
Parent Cynthia Barley said, “Driver Education has made me more confident with my daughter’s driving abilities. I know that with driver education my daughter knows the rules of the road and how to abide by them. It is also a major help with the learning process of driving due to the required hours behind the wheel. Driver education should be a program supported by all parents and beginning drivers.”