The first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong, is remembered by Americans as a hero. Uttering his famous words, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” Armstrong made history in 1969.
Armstrong devoted his life to his work, paving the way for further space exploration. On the day he landed on the moon, Armstrong’s feat was unparalleled in man’s history. The figure of lunar success, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom among other awards.
The attitude Armstrong had towards his popularity all over the world should be admired: he did not spend time in front of the camera boasting about his actions. The public should follow his example of humility and commitment to family values. Armstrong did not lose sight of who he was before fame and remained true to himself despite his newfound celebrity.
Most know Armstrong for his accomplishments as an astronaut but few recognize his achievements in his later years.
After returning from the moon, Armstrong continued working at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as an administrator. Shortly after he retired, he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati in the Aerospace Engineering Department. Armstrong then settled in Ohio with his family, staying out of the limelight.
Armstrong remained a humble man even after accomplishing one of the greatest feats of all time. He made few public appearances, a reserved and modest hero.
The exploration of a new frontier seemed impossible and improbable before Armstrong landed on the moon. He fulfilled the dreams of a generation, bringing the nation together with pride. Armstrong will forever be remembered as an American hero.