“Between the Lines” is a young adult novel by Jodi Picoult and her daughter Samantha van Leer. In it, a high school girl teams up with a prince from a fairy tale to create their own happy ending. They must work against the evil forces of the fairy tale to be together.
Everyone thinks Delilah is odd. Even her mother thinks she isn’t normal.
Unlike other 15 year-olds, Delilah would rather read books than catch up on the latest gossip. Reading one specific book becomes her obsession. Although it is a children’s fairy tale, she can’t stop reading the book and memorizes each word on every page.
One day Delilah fins something that wasn’t in the book before. The occurrence provides a twist in the book. She finds that everything is not what it seems. Prince Oliver is able to talk to her and tells her he wants to get out of the book. She figures out how to cope with the twist and works toward her happy ending with Prince Oliver.
The novel is recommended for teenagers and young adults who enjoy a modern twist in a traditional story. The book has authentic teenage dialogue which relates to teenagers today. The book is also recommended to young adults who like fantasy.
Anonymous • Feb 27, 2013 at 11:47 am
Hello, that was a really informative post. Great job.