This school year, Sacred Hearts Academy volleyball teams at all levels have moved up from Division II to Division I, competing against the best teams of the Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH). Division I differs from Division II in the level of competition, which can be more challenging. Eight schools participate in Division I: Kamehameha, Punahou, Pac-Five, Iolani, St. Louis, Mid-Pacific Institute, Maryknoll and Sacred Hearts.
Athletic Director Wade Okamura said, “In some sports, Division I can compete in Division II. The rule currently is being re-evaluated.”
Schools are placed in divisions according to school enrollment numbers. Single gender schools which have more than 375 students and co-ed schools with more than 750 students are in Division I while smaller schools are placed in Division II.
If schools do not have sufficient numbers or the facilities to field their own teams, students participate in Pac-Five athletics on teams with students from other small schools.
All Pac-Five sports are in Division I. They include cross country, judo, kayaking, swimming, water polo and wrestling.
Other sports at Sacred Hearts in Division I include air riflery, basketball, bowling, canoe paddling, golf, precision riflery, sailing, softball, tennis, and track and field.
Sports in Division II include soccer, paddling and the lower levels of basketball and volleyball.
Sacred Hearts Academy is also a member of the Catholic School League in which grades 5-8 compete against other Catholic elementary schools on Oahu.