“The Odd Life of Timothy Green” follows the journey of Jim (Joel Edgerton) and Cindy Green (Jennifer Garner) in their hopes of starting a family. Infertile and unable to bear a child of their own, the couple buries their hopes and wishes in a garden. Following a thunderstorm, the Greens discover a boy named Timothy (CJ Adams) on their doorstep, claiming to be their son.
Fulfilling the Greens’ desire for an ideal child, Timothy is exactly what they wanted. Inspiring them to take chances they would not have before, Timothy efortlessly brings the Greeens great joy.
The film does not have great reviews from critics but proves to be a pleasant surprise. One for the family, the movie presents love and happiness in a most agreeable fashion. Combining humor with family values, it promotes messages to children in ways appealing to them.
“The Odd Life of Timothy Green” is recommended for both young children under the age of 13 and adults, containing no inappropriate languages or themes.