Sacred Hearts Academy’s lower school celebrated Catholic Schools Week from Jan. 30 to Feb. 3 with a different theme for each day.
The week began with Monday’s School Colors Day with the theme of faith Students came to school wearing the school’s colors of yellow and white in accessories, including ribbons, jewelry and socks.
Second grade teacher Alison Mongelli said, “Students learned about the history and faith of the founding Sisters who first came to Hawaii. Sr. Katherine Francis also spoke to the girls. The class performed a class prayer in which students thanked the Lord for the gift of Catholic schools. They also reviewed the mission statement of our school.”
On Tuesday, academics was the theme of the day. Students put on their “thinking caps” and wore hats to school with their regular uniforms.
Sophomore Cassidi Mattos-Mitchell said, “I enjoyed seeing all of the lower school kids showing their school spirit and participation and the festivities for the week.”
Wednesday’s theme was service, featuring crazy hair day. Students not only came up with crazy, creative hair styles but also creative, crazy service ideas.
First grader Hyatt Yoshioka said, “ My class and I liked thinking of ideas to help other people who need our services. I wanted to clean the beach for everyone to enjoy.”
The final day saw students in free dress and a pep rally in the gym while high school students went on their LIFE walk.
First grader Tyler Stamp said, “ The pep rally in the gym was fun because we have never done that before. We got to dance and cheer. I want to do it again next year.”
Sophomore Noel Kenny said, “ I miss all of the fun activities that we were able to do as lower school students, but the LIFE Walk for the high school brought out the inner child in me and in my eyes brought our class together.”