A method of weight loss that dieters have discovered is eating six small meals a day instead of the traditional three, believing that this will increase one’s metabolism and lead to better health.
Although many people have tried this approach, nutritionists have proved that eating at shorter intervals throughout the day is not any more or less effective than the standard three meals.
According to medicinenet.com, many people believe eating smaller meals at more frequent times will increase metabolic rates and result in weight loss. This is based on the consensus that the body becomes hungry after three hours, leading to overeating at the next meal.
Consuming smaller meals at three-hour intervals is believed to decrease stomach size while increasing energy levels. This strategy of weight loss can be effective if the amount ingested is small, but it can also backfire and lead to weight gain if the portions are regular-sized meals.
What it really comes down to is the number of calories consumed for each meal. The British Journal Of Nutrition published studies showing that it is the number of calories consumed that mattered most, not the frequency of meals.
National Lecturer and President of Balance LLC, Vicki Sullivan, said that eating every three hours would certainly help some people control appetite and feel more energized but she also emphasizes that everyone is different.
Medicinenet.com says that the more opportunities people have to eat a meal or a snack, the likelier they are to overeat, which can become a problem. It depends on calorie intake because some people may have a hard time controlling portions.
The best way to maintain a healthy diet does not depend only on meal frequency. There are many ways a person can be healthy while enjoying meals that agree with both their bodies and their schedules.
• Do not skip breakfast. It has been proven that breakfast helps everyone focus and maintain a healthy weight. It is one of the two things that helps to increase the metabolism rate. Those who skip breakfast tend to eat more by the end of the day.
• Eat only when hungry and avoid junk food. According to Reader’s Digest, it is the quality and quantity of calories that count the most.
• Exercise. It will help to keep the weight off. It is the only other way that metabolism will increase.
Managing hunger through portion control and the quality of what is consumed is the best way to keep healthy. Fasting or eating more frequently is not the answer and may often lead to other problems.
mtang13 • Oct 26, 2011 at 11:34 am
Thanks for the informational article Kanika! I look forward to more articles from you!