Recently, hundreds of rubber duck toys filled the Ala Wai Canal for a charity event. The event, hosted by the United Cerebral Palsy

Association of Hawaii (UCPA), raised more than $1 million dollars all from donations given in exchange for a duck added to the Ala Wai. Sacred Hearts Academy Junior Tyler Beissel volunteered as part of the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC). The UCPA uses the donation money for recreational programs and as a way to help kids with Cerebral Palsy to interact and support each other, which the Saint Louis JROTC had the opportunity to attend.
According to Donna Fouts, the executive director of the association, the UCPA Hawaii duck event came from the Alberta Heart and Stroke Association, which originates in Canada. Fouts thought the idea of releasing rubber ducks in the water was cute and wanted to simulate the idea for the UCPA.

“I had the opportunity to serve at this event through the Saint Louis JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps),” she said. “Being part of such a dedicated group made the experience even more meaningful, as we all worked towards a shared goal of helping others in our community.”
Beissel’s volunteering at the event has made an impact on her and her experience with this event.
“I realized how vital community unity is. It was incredible to witness all the ducks released into the canal, each contributing $5 to the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Hawaii,” Beissel said. This experience highlighted not just the fun of the event but also the collective impact we can have when we come together for a common purpose.”
Beissel said that she would do this event again because of how supportive, enthusiastic and energetic the community in Hawaii is to help the UCPA.
For more information, read more from the official website of The United States Marines Corps.