Sophomores honor super Dads at annual luncheon
In celebration of their fathers, the Class of 2018 enjoyed the annual Father-Daughter luncheon at the Pacific Beach Hotel.
“It was fun,” said sophomore Paige Mattos. “It would’ve been a lot better if there were more food options, though. I really wish there was more meat.”
The menu featured a variety of salads, chicken and fish, and a host of desserts.
The theme of this year’s luncheon was superheroes, or more accurately, “Super Dads.”
“The Sophomore Council decided the theme should be ‘Super Dads,’” said division adviser Elizabeth Gabriel. “So, we had a superhero theme. They celebrated what makes their dads super to them. We focused on what superhero qualities they had.”
There was a “Superhero and School” quiz in which fathers and daughters had to band together as a table to answer questions such as, “Which teacher shouts, ‘Back to homeroom!’ every flag?” or “What is Magneto’s superpower?”
Several speakers spoke about how their fathers are indeed “super.”
Professional photographers were on the scene to take photos of fathers and daughters for mementos. A photo booth put together by the council was also provided for more casual pictures.
“A joyous occasion shared with family and friends. The centerpieces that were placed at the center of the table were beautiful and everyone had a great time in general,” said sophomore Lexus Lyons.

Zoierae Hill is a second-year reporter for Ka Leo and a senior at the Academy. She enjoys going on adventures with her friends, listening to music and...