Japan trip in works for performing arts classes
The Sacred Hearts Academy band and choir will be on their way to Japan during spring break 2017.
The tentative itinerary is an 8-9 day tour of several cities, including Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo, according to band director Keith Higaki.
“I’m also trying to work in Hiroshima for the historical aspect for the students,” said Higaki.
Higaki also hopes to have students hear the Omiya Wind Orchestra, directed by internationally recognized conductor Toshi Akiyama. Omiya features a highly regarded community band, a sister community band of the Honolulu Wind Symphony.
“We’re trying to coordinate something with them to watch a concert or a dress rehearsal,” said Higaki, “or host a clinic from Sensei Akiyama. We’ll see what’s available.”
The band and choir also want to visit Tokyo Disneyland, temples in Kyoto, castles of Osaka, and shop and eat in Tokyo.
At a meeting for the trip, the itinerary was discussed, detailing the times of departure, cities and events day-by-day.
The cost of the trip was also discussed. It will depend on how the U.S. dollar stacks up to the yen in the time leading up to the trip.
The number of students and adults also affects the price. A larger group can actually make for a cheaper price, as larger groups mean group discounts.
Since a passport is necessary to travel internationally, students and parents who do not have one will need to obtain one before the trip.
“Many of these things are all ahead of time,” said Higaki. “It’s more than a year away. As we closely approach the one year mark, a few things will probably change as we get more information.”

Zoierae Hill is a second-year reporter for Ka Leo and a senior at the Academy. She enjoys going on adventures with her friends, listening to music and...