Students raise support for classmate in “Change for Chandler”
The Academy recently completed “Change For Chandler,” a fundraiser for sixth grader Chandler Boyd, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
Junior kindergartners through sixth grade and the Junior Class were asked to donate $3 for the fundraiser. For their donations, students were allowed to wear jeans and a school shirt to school on Dec. 3. Juniors also participated in the fundraiser because Chandler’s older sister Makenzie is a junior.
Lower school teachers showed their support by wearing white tee-shirts with ‘Team Chandler’ in red letters.
Malia Urie, the lower school art teacher, designed a Team Chandler button for the lower school to wear all year, suggested by the students and teachers.
Parents contributed for a Christmas gift and high school students could also donate.
The week-long fundraiser collected $3,547.25 for Chandler. The school hopes to present this donation, books and a snack basket to Chandler’s mother, Crista Aguano, and her sister.
On the site YouCaring, a fund for Chandler has been established with a goal of $25,000. As of Dec. 9, $10,293 has been raised.
“I thought it was very supportive and kind of the school to do this for my sister,” said Makenzie. “My family is very grateful.”

Zoierae Hill is a second-year reporter for Ka Leo and a senior at the Academy. She enjoys going on adventures with her friends, listening to music and...