Highly anticipated third ‘Hunger Games’ leaves fans hanging

Malia Okoh, Reporter

“The Hunger Games” trilogy features the dystopian society of Panem whose citizens are separated into 12 districts. Each year children are randomly chosen to participate in the Hunger Games, death matches that result in only one survivor, the Victor.

The third film installment of “The Hunger Games” was anticipated eagerly by fans as the first two film adaptations of the novels were overwhelmingly successful.

“Mockingjay” is divided into two parts.

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is joined by Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) and  President Alma Coin (Julianne Moore).

After escaping from the 75th Hunger Games, Katniss manages to take refuge in the ruins of District 13. Since not all Victors are able to flee from the Games, Katniss’ love, Peeta, and several others are captured and remain in the Capitol.

Upset in the 13 Districts over the Games sparks a rebellion, which is devastating for District 12.

Because Katniss causes such a stir in the Districts, she is pressured to become a symbol for revolution, the Mockingjay. With her help, the districts unite in the fight against President Snow (Donald Sutherland) and his arbitrary regulations. She becomes the public face of the rebels and a symbol of propaganda in all the districts.

Katniss and filmmakers travel to district battlegrounds where the Capitol has bombed innocent civilians to use in propaganda footage. Each destination allows Katniss to see the destruction caused by Snow.

After the videos are released, the Capitol launches its own telecasts as resistance.

Peeta’s warning to District 13 saves many lives, but soon he too is in danger.

Because the movie is divided into two parts, the audience is left to wait until the release of the next movie to determine the fate of Katniss and of Panem. The division of “Mockingjay” also leaves the first movie void of much action and substance. Fans can expect the final installment to be exceptional, however.

This movie is recommended for those ages 12 and up since there is some violence. Teens and their parents will enjoy Katniss and the Districts’ quest for justice and compensation for transgressions done unto them by the Capitol.