At Sacred Hearts Academy, our curiosity about the artistic ceramics class and its current activity led us to an inside interview with senior Lilith Davis. Davis joined the class to explore a new form of art, initially thinking it would be easy but quickly realizing it was more challenging than expected. Shaping clay required patience and skill, and while she’s still honing those abilities, she has found enjoyment in the process.
The class has a cozy atmosphere with just the right number of students—not too many, not too few. Davis encourages others to take ceramics if they like the idea of creating something of their own and don’t mind getting their hands messy. For her, it has been a rewarding way to express herself through art.

Senior Cayley Lum, another ceramics student, wanted to continue exploring this form of art. When discussing the class size, she mentioned preferring smaller, less crowded classes. Regarding students considering ceramics, she emphasized the initial fear of starting something new. She encouraged others to push past that fear, especially if ceramics is something they aspire to pursue.
Although the ceramics class may sometimes seem small and quiet, the ambition and passion of its students fill the space. It is an art class that is itself a work of art—a creative mess that transforms into unexpected beauty. This is ceramics at its finest.