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PORTRAIT PHOTO – Wong makes history as first Lancer football athlete
February 14, 2024
This year, senior Jenica Wong became the first student from Sacred Hearts Academy to play football. She represents the all-girls Catholic school on PAC-5’s football team. Her coaches say she is treated the same as the boys and that her dedication and hard work earned her playing time. Wong played defensive back and wide receiver.
“The first actual game I played…we were versing Saint Louis School (SLS) and up by 10 points,” she said. “Toward the end of the game, the special team’s coach grabbed me by the collar and told me, ‘hit somebody,’ and I went with that in mind.”
While she didn’t make any plays that day, PAC-5 won the game against SLS, with a score of 10-0.
“This was not only a win for PAC-5 but for the stigma that ‘girls don’t belong’ or ‘girls can’t play,’” the 17-year-old said about the October game.
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