Juniors participate in annual ceremony
Students from Sacred Hearts Academy gathered in the school’s chapel to celebrate the annual Junior Ring Ceremony on Feb. 22. Alongside their parents, juniors took time out of their busy schedules to participate in this initiating event. Packed with speeches and prayers from the junior division council, the annual event was truly memorable.
The purpose of the Junior Ring Ceremony is to commemorate the importance of their junior year in high school and to initiate them as upper school students. It has been a tradition for Sacred Hearts Academy students for many years.
“I like this ceremony because my family is here with me, my grandmother graduated from this school,” Junior Eliza Otenbriet said. “(Junior Ring Ceremony) is special for her to watch me participate in this ceremony as well.”
Juniors had a choice between buying a ring or a pin and during the ceremony, they receive their pin or ring. Before students started to receive pins, all guests were asked to raise their right hands and bless the pins and rings.
During the ceremony, juniors walked to the altar with their family or friends and the students’ accompanying guest put the ring or pin on the junior.
Along with their purchased ring or pins, juniors also received a yellow rose. The Junior Ring Ceremony has been held every year for juniors but it has a unique meaning to every junior that participates in it.

Shelby Mattos is a senior and third-year Journalism student. She is the Publicity Chair for Division Council and participates actively in the Academy’s...

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Taylor McKenzie is currently a senior and a second-year Journalism student. She is the Vice President of Student Council, President of PAAC Club, member...