Celebrating Thanksgiving around the world

The first Thanksgiving celebrated between the Americans and Indians. Photo courtesy of Calendarlabs.

Thanksgiving, a day of food, family and giving thanks, is one of the most traditional holidays in not only America but also other countries around the globe.

In Japan, people celebrate Labor Thanksgiving Day, which is derived from the Japanese characters meaning hard working and Thanksgiving. Labor Thanksgiving Day is celebrated annually on Nov. 23 and is adapted from America after World War II.

The purpose of Labor Thanksgiving is to show gratitude to Japan’s labor force and human rights. But during Labor Thanksgiving day, Japanese don’t eat turkey like Americans do. Instead, they eat regular foods.

The Netherlands celebrates Thanksgiving as well. Thanksgiving in the Netherlands is held on each year’s morning of America Thanksgiving. The Netherlands Thanksgiving is celebrated in Pieterskerk. The Pieterskerk is a Gothic church in a city of Netherland. During Thanksgiving, Netherland’s restaurants often serve traditional meals, such as turkey and sweet potatoes.

The history of Thanksgiving in the Philippines is very complex; however, it is mainly focused on the revival of Thanksgiving in the Philippines because of President Ferdinand Marcos.

The origin came from the story of Philippines as a colony of America during the 20th century. Nowadays, Thanksgiving in the Philippines doesn’t occur on a specific date. Instead, many take up offering prayers to God and enjoying a feast.