Traveler’s Guide to TSA
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is a familiar sight for anyone who has traveled to or from America. Photo courtesy of Flickr.
With summer just around the corner, more and more travelers will be headed to the airport. But before they can enjoy a relaxing getaway, they need to get through long airport security lines first.
Here are some tips to help breeze through The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that has authority over the security of the traveling public in the United States.
- Sign-up for TSA Pre-Check. Pre-check allows travelers to enter a shorter TSA line. It can be purchased through the TSA website for $85. Passengers may also be randomly selected for pre-check when making their way through security.
- Use the TSA app. Download the My TSA app, which provides guidelines on carry-on and send-through items. Hawaii has specific laws on agriculture. Refer to the State of Hawaii Plant Industry Division website for more information.
- Be prepared for scanning. If you weren’t able to get pre-checked, then expedite the process by wearing slippers or slip-on shoes. Passengers 13 years old and older need to take off their shoes, with exceptions of pre-check.
- Respect the workers. It may seem like anyone can simply stand behind a machine and pat down people, but TSA workers go through extensive training and are tested on a daily basis. They are there to keep travelers safe and maintain a calm environment at the airport.
About the Contributor

Shelby Mattos, News Editor, Reporter
Shelby Mattos is a senior and third-year Journalism student. She is the Publicity Chair for Division Council and participates actively in the Academy’s...