Riflery shoots for the best at ILH championships
This year, eight air riflery members from Sacred Hearts Academy made it to the Interscholastic League of Honolulu (ILH) championships. This was the most athletes entered by any ILH team.
Those representing the junior varsity team included junior Brianna Ho, sophomore Clarissa DeSmet and sophomore Dallas Martinez. Junior Dorothy Sanidad, junior Angelica Castro and senior Kaycee Slega made up the varsity team.
Up to the first two stages of the match, Sanidad was neck-and-neck with number two ranked Alexa Yoo from Pac-5. However, Sanidad was able to pull ahead and come out the winner. She is now the 2016 ILH Individual Girls Sporter champion.
“It felt food to beat Alexa Yoo,” she said. “She was one of my major competitors from last year as well, but the roles were reversed.”
Castro came out pacing 8th overall, with 529 points. She placed second in the kneeling category. Selga came out 9th, with 524 points, and also won third place in standing.
Sanidad said, “This year, the team was extremely determined to win. The drive made the team and myself feel almost unstoppable.”
Kekaimalie Woods is currently a junior at Sacred Hearts Academy. This is her first year in Journalism. Outside of school, she plays soccer for Hawaii Surf...