Students show community support through Great Aloha Run

Ashley Marie Lardizabal, Reporter

The 31st annual Great Aloha Run (GAR) takes place on Feb. 18 with Academy students not only running the race but also serving as volunteers.

The Academy once again received a donation of 100 runner positions, donated anonymously and divided into 75 running slots reserved for students. The remaining 25 positions are for adult or non-student participants.

Students and parents who can donate time as non-medical volunteers will help during the race, managing water stations and cheering on the runners.  Members of the LEO club will also pass out finisher t-shirts at the end of the race.

Kaiser Permanente is the primary sponsor of the race, held annually on the Presidents’ Day holiday. The course begins at Aloha Tower and ends at the Aloha Stadium, measuring approximately 8.15 miles along Nimitz Highway.

The Great Aloha Run annually raises $400,000 for the community and funds community projects, dubbing it “Ke kukini me ke aloha pauole” or “the Race With Compassionate Love.”