Students need to revive school spirit for better school experience
The Academy’s cheerleaders demonstrate school spirit on the Academy’s birthday. Photographer: Jacquelyn Corpus.
February 3, 2015
School spirit in high schools can be dismal.
Kids often don’t care about supporting their school which they see as a wormhole of tests, judgment, pain and misery. It’s not a place to rally spirit any more. It’s not a place to make friends any more. It’s not a place to find oneself any more.
This needs to change.
Students must be more appreciative of the time they spend in school. Many discount the value of such time because they are forced to attend school for many years and don’t see it as a privilege or opportunity to expand their minds. Too often students view the days in school as drudgery forced on them as a captive audience. In reality, that’s not what school is nor what it should be.
One could argue that school spirit is a trivial thing, but students need to be more appreciative of their years in school where they encounter others who help them shape their own views of the world, where they learn infinite amounts of information and where they can well prepare for the future.
Having a positive attitude and enjoying and participating in school can result in better school spirit. It should not be viewed as daily drudgery. Students must take advantage of these years to learn and grow, to form their own opinions and to take on more responsibility as they mature.
If school spirit is dismal, high school becomes an awful experience. It’s important for young learners to be motivated to attend, participate and succeed in school. Just as poor school spirit can be contagious, so can good school spirit.
The impact of positive school spirit is undeniable. Such spirit provides enjoyment and contentment and makes the years fly by. Students will not always remember what they learned in school but they will definitely remember how they felt.