Popular trend worsens national issue

Photo Credit: Flickr.
January 14, 2015
Body-shaming is ubiquitous. It passes through all confidence filters and manages to seep its way into everyday language. Terms like muffin-top, pooch, saddlebags and thunder thighs all characterize the phenomenon of body shaming. While teen girls are its most popular victims, teen boys and even middle-aged men and women exhibit this trend.
Body shaming is destructive. It’s time people realize that the “funny” jokes or comments are insulting remarks that exacerbate the issues of weight and appearance.
The obsession with body parts is borderline ludicrous among many teens. Too many girls are obsessed with thigh gaps, collar bones or buttocks. Many teen boys pursue the 6-pack abs or large biceps.
The truth is that many images we see and revere come from Instagram, celebrity reality shows or printed media which usually don’t represent a healthy or attainable body structure.
Body shaming comes from a focus on specific body parts which are too big, too small or unacceptable for whatever reason.
We need to recognize that every body has shortcomings. Perceived physical flaws are often based in emotional dissatisfaction. There is nothing wrong with the body; it just doesn’t measure up to a certain idealized standard.
There is no such thing as a perfect body; it just doesn’t exist. Moreover, everyone has different ideas about what perfection is.
Teens tend to describe body structures as skinny or fat, but rarely do they use normal or fit in such descriptions.
We should understand the differences and accept our body shapes instead of pursue images we see without understanding the possible potential risks in trying to achieve the impossible.
Normal and healthy should be the acceptable standard. Maintaining a healthy diet and sustaining a reasonable weight are what we need to focus on.
“Thunder thighs,” “chicken wings,” “cankles” and “love handles” are too often part of teens’ vocabulary. Body shaming terms are sometimes used as a remedy for coping with body structures that one may be ashamed of. However, it’s not changing anything if it’s only aggravating a situation.
People must change their attitudes and seriously work on gaining good health at a reasonable weight. Knowing that all body parts are not equal to others’ will help us all realize that we do what we can and we forgive what we cannot.
Body shaming has recently turned into an omnipresent craze. People everywhere refer to these terms to describe their bodies. It’s time we all realize that the popular trend is doing nothing to alleviate the issue and only aggravates the already severe issue of health and fitness.