Privilege of dress down days revoked but can be regained


Students lost dress down days because of not adhering to the school dress code.

Celine Isabelle Arnobit, Reporter

Recently, students in grades 7 to 12 lost dress down day privileges, during which students come to school in class tee shirts and jeans.

Privileges were taken away due to students not following the regular uniform dress code, resulting in numerous infractions on a daily basis.

Dress code violations included non-school approved jackets, socks with various professional logos, low-cut socks or missing uniform pieces, such as ties. One other common violation was the flattening of the backs of shoes making them look like casual house slippers. Skirts have also become very short, reaching only to mid-thigh.

In response to the overwhelming numbers of violations, the administration has eliminated dress down days, including during Aloha United Way’s fundraising month, for the school birthday celebration and during division spirit weeks.

However, if students can show that they are able to comply with the school’s uniform dress code without reminders, Dress Down day privileges could be reinstated. The administration should give students until the end of the second quarter to prove they can be responsible.

It is ultimately up to students whether dress down privileges are returned, but students can influence the administration’s decision by showing that they are capable of following the simple uniform dress code on a daily basis.

If this is important to students, they should not only dress appropriately but also remind their friends and classmates about the dress policies. Complaining about the loss of a privilege is not enough. Action must be taken. Students must believe they can change policy by changing their behavior.

Students have nothing to lose by making an attempt to wear the correct uniform daily and much to gain.